Events · Magic the Gathering

The Brothers’ War Prerelease

The Brothers’ War Prerelease events are your first chance to experience the epic clash between Urza and Mishra that shaped the face of Dominaria! Celebrate Magic’s 30th Anniversary with special promos earned by attending multiple events. With Jumpstart, Sealed, and Draft events, there’s something for beginners and veterans alike. Jumpstart Prerelease – Friday 11/11, 4:00pm… Continue reading The Brothers’ War Prerelease

Events · Magic the Gathering

October Magic: the Gathering Events

October Magic: the Gathering Events   Unfinity Launch Party Draft Friday October 7, 6:30pm Take a wild ride through space to a crazy cosmic circus with MTG’s upcoming Unfinity set! With cards that are legal for play in Legacy, Vintage, and Commander, gorgeous full-art basic lands, a new galaxy foil treatment, and teddy bears, this… Continue reading October Magic: the Gathering Events


MTG Regional Championship Qualifier

Competitive play on a grand scale has returned to Magic, and you can win a chance to compete in the big leagues right here at your friendly local game store! –Tournament Structure– Pioneer format (rules found here: As a premier event, a cut to a playoff will be in effect per MTG tournament rules. Decklists… Continue reading MTG Regional Championship Qualifier