Come with us to New Capenna, where the Halo flows freely, the clothes are fabulous, and shadowy organizations rule the streets!
Show off your Roaring Twenties style and have a professional photo taken by our friends at Michael Ray photography between 5:30 and 6:30pm on Friday, 4/22. Enjoy a Pineapple Fizz on us, or take some home to mix up our favorite cocktail, the Juzam Gin. A copy of your photo will be provided digitally, or get a 5″x7″ print when you also enter Friday or Saturday’s prerelease tournament.
Our Friday and Saturday events are open to all, but geared toward a more casual prerelease experience. You’ll get a swag bag with New Capenna themed goodies, we’ll have random prize drawings after every round, and everyone is guaranteed at least one prize booster. If you attend our costume party, a print of your photo is included in this entry.
Friday, 4/22 Schedule
Registration Closes: 7:00pm
Packs Distributed: 7:15pm
Round One Begins: 8:00pm
Packs Distributed: 7:15pm
Round One Begins: 8:00pm
Saturday, 4/23 Schedule
Registration closes: 11:00am
Packs Distributed: 11:15am
Round One Begins: 12:00pm
Entry: $35
Event details:
●40-card minimum decks built from one prerelease pack and basic lands (provided)
●Sealed play in 3 swiss-style rounds
●One prize pack (Streets of New Capenna Set Booster) awarded for participating and one for each match win
●Prerelease packs are faction-specific. Players choose from available packs at the time entry is paid.
●40-card minimum decks built from one prerelease pack and basic lands (provided)
●Sealed play in 3 swiss-style rounds
●One prize pack (Streets of New Capenna Set Booster) awarded for participating and one for each match win
●Prerelease packs are faction-specific. Players choose from available packs at the time entry is paid.

Our Tuesday and Thursday events are for players who want high risk and high reward. There are no frills here; just lots of packs awarded to the top finishers. Our photo booth and props will be available for your selfies.
Tuesday 4/26 and Thursday 4/28 Schedule
Registration Closes: 6:00pm
Packs Distributed: 6:15pm
Round One Begins: 7:00pm
Registration Closes: 6:00pm
Packs Distributed: 6:15pm
Round One Begins: 7:00pm
Entry: $30
Event details:
●40-card minimum decks built from one prerelease pack and basic lands (provided)
●Sealed play in swiss-style rounds as determined by number of players
●2.5 prize packs (New Capenna Set Boosters) in the pool for each player. First place receives half of the total prize packs; remaining packs distributed based on the number of participants. There are no pity packs for this event.
●Prerelease packs are faction-specific. Players choose from available packs at the time entry is paid.
●40-card minimum decks built from one prerelease pack and basic lands (provided)
●Sealed play in swiss-style rounds as determined by number of players
●2.5 prize packs (New Capenna Set Boosters) in the pool for each player. First place receives half of the total prize packs; remaining packs distributed based on the number of participants. There are no pity packs for this event.
●Prerelease packs are faction-specific. Players choose from available packs at the time entry is paid.

Our Open House on Sunday, 4/24 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm is your opportunity for a low-stakes experience playing with this new set. Pick up a prerelease kit for $30 and we’ll throw in a prize booster at purchase. Play a friendly game for it or open it and include it in your deck. Wear a New Capenna themed costume and you’ll earn an extra prize booster. While you’re at it, capture your New Capenna spirit at our photo booth!